
NextBigWhat Conference Roadmap

NextBigWhat (a.k.a NBW) is bringing back its community-focused events and mixers!
Expect valuable content, high-impact networking, and a targeted audience for your brand. We aim to become your most effective GTM partner.
The 3Cs that define NBW events: Community, Collaboration and Connections.

“NextBigWhat Conf has been very focused and unadulterated in its approach - true entrepreneurs - the ones who have done it themselves come and share their experience which is much more valuable than any conference you attend” - Varun Rathi, Happay Founder

ProductGeeks Conf

🗓️ April - July
Productgeeks Logo.png
Targeted towards product and engg teams, ProductGeeks brings together the teams that builds, grows and ships products.
Expected audience: 800 + 200 (Mixers)
Spread over 2 days, expect AI + Engg to be the center of conversation - driven by keynote talks, panels, workshops.
Pre-conf engagements
3 Mixers before the conf (April, May, June)
2-days conf (July 5-6 | Bangalore)
50 senior engg and product leaders from high-growth startups
Curated audience.
ProductGeeks Conf is ideal for brands that are targeting their solutions to engineering and product teams.


🗓️ July - Nov | Bangalore
India’s largest startup conference - which has been the launchpad for companies like Freshworks, Chargebee, MoEngage, Instamojo and several others.
The conference is targeted towards founders, investors, senior leaders, bureaucrats and government agencies.
Expected audience: 2000+
Spread over 2 days, expect keynote talks, panels, workshops and interactive elements during the conf
Pre-conf engagements
Meetups in Bangalore
100+ founders in each meetup from high-growth startups
In July, Aug, Sep, Oct
Curated audience.
Ideal for brands that are targeting their solutions to tech and startup audience.


🗓️ May - Sep
Targeted towards marketers, GrowthTalkies aims to bring actionable insights from some of the best marketers.
Expected audience: 700 +
Spread over 2 days, expect keynote talks, panels, workshops and interactive elements during the conf.
Pre-conf engagements
4 Workshops to be held between May-Aug
Workshops: 100+ marketers from high-growth startups in each workshop
2-days conf in Sep.
Curated audience.
Ideal for brands targeting marketers, growth and product teams.

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